Thursday, August 30, 2012

Getting ready to leave

So, not only are we packing to travel we're packing the house to rent, which means lots of sorting and dumping of old and unused items stored in the back of cupboards: yesterday the bathrooms, today my closet. Meanwhile, Stretch ambitiously attached 4 sheets of drywall stored in the garage, to the ceiling of our gear room.
All the while, we're making dentist and optometrist visits, updating hiking boots, picking up spare camera batteries, and SD cards, writing out directions for everything mechanical and electrical in the house, postponing subscriptions, trying to get train reservations in India, and setting up a travel blog. I do think we're making headway... but for everything accomplished, there seems to be more to do.
 Closet before ( well one side)
Closet after:

We'll be trying to keep a blog as we travel. This is me figuring it out. Hopefully you'll be hearing from Stretch soon.
Later Alligator

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